Sing Street


Holy fuck, what an amazing film this is! For all the romantics out there that love New Wave & Post Punk, this is your shit! Jim Carney's Once is a folk masterpiece, the songs are great and the heart oozes in it, you can tell that it is close to his heart, his next music film, Begin Again, went from folk, to corporate rock and the film felt more corporate, his next music inspired film Sing Street, goes back to the roots. It feels smaller, it feels more indie, feels more raw(with a great soundtrack) and it feels more personal, even more so than Once, this here seems like Carney's high school years. The film has heart, is has the loss of family, the bond of brothers, the growth of friendship, the uncharted territory of girls, the discovery of great music, and the coming of age. The young cast, all of them, are fantastic, the original music is just as phenomenal as the soundtrack. The film also has whimsy in it, and it glues a smile to your face the film is well versed in the style of the 50s(character's love of Back to the Future) and the knowledge  of post punk, New Wave is spread throughout in a non pretentious way, this is the punk film i have been wanting! I rank it above Once, i loved every second of this film, this is must see, and i think it will be much talked about in top of the year lists online but sadly the brilliance will not get awards attention, but stick your middle finger in the air and fuck it, this is real great cinema!
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