\ Two years ago, Damien Chazelle brought us Whiplash, a true charming and great film that got a lot of award buzz, basic story of a drummer, now he brings us another music based film, this time a musical, and this time, it looks like it might sweep awards season. Recently i viewed Sing Street, and that, paired with this, not only show that music based films are on fire right now, but in such a way that a smile is glued to your face. The film is set in modern times yet the clothing, music, the settings, their tastes & interests scream Old Hollywood. Much like the Artist is has the old timey feel, but even better, as that was supposed to be a silent film, that was a tribute to musicals of a bygone era, as soon at the film opened with an "old school" Summit Pictures logo, followed by Cinescope, i fell in love. The first musical number sets the tone, and the entire film is one giant whimsical piece of art, not seen since Birdman! The film is a journey of career paths & love, and how you must decide between happiness & happiness, you watch two struggling artists fall in love, then we see them both succeed. The film isn't safe either, it isn't all sunshine & coconut milk, it tells us like it is, we see art house theatres die, dreams crushed, opportunities slip, friendships not working and love not always conquering. Does the film exist in reality? Does any musical? Certainly not this one, hell we see two plains of existence, and it is heart string pulling & tear inducing. I hope this film sweeps the Oscars, i know Manchester by the Sea has a chance, but to me, that seems like Oscar bait, i will still see it, but this is a film that will stand the test of time, it is truly in my opinion the best film of the year, i am a sucker for musicals, especially quirky & whimsy musicals with great choreographed dance numbers, vast sets & great aesthetic. I had a smile the entire time, and it is truly an inspiring piece of work, for both romantics & artists alike!