Bye Bye Man
What a first film of 2017, i have seen movies this year, but this is the first 2017 release, and it is awful. Like the first scene, is great, in fact that scene, which takes place in the 60's, along with the other flashbacks, are the best parts. Everything else in this film, from acting, the script, the acting, the directing, the acting, the effects, the acting, all of it, is god awful. There is a moment that has an awesome score, but other wise holy fuck, terrible. Now i would totally watch this again, my buddy & i compared it to My Soul To Take, but unlike that steaming turd, this one is atleast fun, pop it on, grab some beers, and mock it. It may not be the Room, but enjoy it for the mess it is. It is partially inspired by Slendeman, so if you want that, wait til that film comes out, one was just announced, but i am sure that will be a piece of shit too. This has to get nominations across the board at the 2017-2018 Razzies it is that bad, fun, but fucking bad. Seriously why did 99% of this movie even happen? Fuck it, my money wasn't wasted, i had fun.